Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Discussions are always better than arguments
How is your training sessions like? Is it more an argument, 'fighting' with your dog or is it more a discussion on the learning processes? The argument makes you defensive and always wanted to be right, but the discussion or conversation promotes feedbacks and review thus making training more eventful.
Our daily training routine should be a discussion or conversational, allowing our learners to participate in the process fully.
Check out our Train Your Dog Podcast on The Clicker Training and it's Benefits, discuss on this great tool and how clicker can help in your training processes.
Check out our PUPS Blog Series on My Dog Can Perform All Commands At Home But Not Outside. As the distractions outweigh your attention when you are out, you need to keep the conversation and work out with your learners to understand what is required in this training session.
Have fun in training. Stay safe and be positive.
Different Strokes For Different Folks

In everyday life, we are constantly facing decision making, what to eat and what to do, and weighing the opportunity cost. It is the same in Dog Training.
As a good communicator or trainer, you have to understand, the animal learners and the trainers hold a different perspective. Being about to bridge the difference will help in the conversation between learners and trainer.
In our previous blog post, we discuss the topic of different strokes for different folks. Knowing everyone has a different tick, and once you discover, you will be empowered to manage your animal.
Check this out;
Different Strokes for Different Folks
And in our Train Your Dog Podcast, we discuss puppy training is all about making decisions. By understanding learners perspective, we can work out events to have our desired outcome or consequences.
Puppy Training is All About Making Choices.
Have a great holiday.
Is Guccy a flyball Dog in the Making?
It's a Bird, it's a Plane, is Guccy the Flying Dog. Is Guccy a Flying Disc or Flyball Dog in the making? Enjoy the short clip, isn't she smart in her ball skill?
Latest Episode on How to Enrich Your Dog Daily Life.
Check out our new episode on How to Enrich Your Dog Daily Life with Janice Tan.
What's Obedience Training Classes, is my dog too old for training?
Friday, December 11, 2020
Jack of All Trades Master of None
you are "Jack of All Trades Master of None." The picture shows you may
want to all powers of all Super Heros. However, in Dog Training, you
need to focus on special behaviour or skill. And you can do the work on
small incremental.
Check out my podcast on the Clicker Training
and its Benefits. Clicker training builds upon small incremental or
approximation to the actual behaviour you want.
good trainer needs to be flexible and willing to work out of the box.
Check out our Blog Post on "Different Strokes for Different Folks".
Hope you enjoy the resources available.