Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Discussions are always better than arguments

 How is your training sessions like? Is it more an argument, 'fighting' with your dog or is it more a discussion on the learning processes? The argument makes you defensive and always wanted to be right, but the discussion or conversation promotes feedbacks and review thus making training more eventful.

Our daily training routine should be a discussion or conversational, allowing our learners to participate in the process fully.

Check out our Train Your Dog Podcast on The Clicker Training and it's Benefits, discuss on this great tool and how clicker can help in your training processes.


Check out our PUPS Blog Series on My Dog Can Perform All Commands At Home But Not Outside. As the distractions outweigh your attention when you are out, you need to keep the conversation and work out with your learners to understand what is required in this training session.


Have fun in training. Stay safe and be positive.

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USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!
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