Tuesday, April 29, 2014

USDAA Snap Shot (Gamblers Class) 

- Develop most effective sequence for performance as permitted by the rules in order to accumulate as many points as possible. 

- In titling program, also to demonstrate distance handling skills.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

We are happy to announce that the following companies will be supporting our 12th USDAA International Dog Agility Sanctioned Trial.

They are Holistic Select, Picatso Photographs, Canine Wellness. They will be providing goodies bag and vouchers to trialers taking part!
USDAA Snap Shot (Relay Class) 

- To perform a course working with one or more patterns and promote good sportsmanship.

Friday, April 25, 2014

7 more days to the closing of our 12th USDAA Sanctioned Trials. If you haven't register, pls do so and don't misses out the great chance to compete with the TOP dogs in Singapore.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Simple Guide to Gambler's Game!

The USDAA.sg Team is proud to present a simple guide to the gambler trial which would be included as part of the 12th USDAA trial this may.

Special thanks to Lay Hui and Elsa for their videos!

Monday, April 14, 2014

What are USDAA's primary activities?

USDAA's primary function is to promote dog agility as an international competitive, athletic sporting activity. This involves development and promotion of dog agility certification tests and tournament events, which USDAA conducts through a network of almost 200 licensed groups across North America and around the world. In support of this purpose, USDAA disseminates information on dog agility to educate the public on the sport through its web site and corresponds with interested parties. USDAA also is a ready resource for information on rules & regulations and course design principles. Further, USDAA offers lectures, working seminars and training seminars to qualify judges to meet the demanding standards of the sport.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Do you know the uniqueness of USDAA?

Do you know the uniqueness of USDAA? One of the uniqueness of USDAA is on top of Standard Agility & Jumpers Classes; USDAA offers Games such as Gamblers, Snooker and Pairs Relay. Not only must your team be good at performing obstacles, you must have strategy in place to come out top of the class. Do you have what it takes to be a TOP USDAA Competitors?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Intro Beat-the-clock as fun event!

In this 12th USDAA International Dog Agility Sanctioned Trials we are introducing a new game (fun event) - Best the clock!

Beat the clock (Fun Event)
The objective of this game is for the team to collect as many points and bank it in before the time runs out. A standard course time of 50-60 seconds will be given.  The Scoring System is 1-2-3-5 system.

The dog and handler begin in the center of the clock where the dog must perform the tire that begins course time and perform a series of obstacles on the course.  Time will start when the dog completes the tire. The team will strategize the collecting of points.  The Team can choose to bank-in the points at any point of the course to ensure all those points
collected are bank-in and recorded.  Any points collected after the expiry of the time and not banked-in will be forfeited. Banking-in requires the dog to be on the table (all 4 paws on table) to register the points collected.  Faults are assessed for dropping bars and missed contacts. Refusals will not be called.

Scoring: Beat the Clock is scored points then time with the highest score winning.

There are two height categories – Mini and Open.  The top 3 teams from each height category are awarded trophies.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The sign up for the 12th USDAA International Dog Agility Sanctioned Trial is now opened! Please sign up using the link below... look forward to seeing all of you!


USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!

USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!
USDAA Singapore