Friday, September 3, 2010

What is Dog Agility & Jumpers?

* Standard, Regular, or Agility: This is a numbered course consisting of (usually) at least one of each of the three primary contact obstacles (not including the crossover) plus jumps, tunnels, and weave poles of various flavors. A novice course might consist of as few as 15 obstacles; a higher-level course might have 22. The dog must negotiate the obstacles in the correct order within the standard course time (SCT).

* Jumpers or Jumping: This numbered course consists primarily of various types of jumps and, depending on the organization, also weave poles and tunnels. The dog must negotiate the obstacles in the correct order within the standard course time (SCT). The dogs achieve their fastest speed on these courses because there are no contact obstacles to slow them down.

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USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!

USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!
USDAA Singapore