Thursday, April 29, 2010

Report on our 7th USDAA Sanctioned Trials!

7th USDAA International Dog Agility Sanctioned Trials on 17,18 April 2010!

The last trials was an interesting and full of unexpected situations. On 17 April 2010, Saturday was very dramatic. We had a very hot 7 hours where our Judges, helpers, timer, scorers, competitors all cooked, almost like a over walking toasted breads.

We started off with our Championships Titling Programs and all went into a full swing as competitors all geared to conquer their respective classes.

At about 3.30 to 4.00pm, the weather sudden changes, from a Bright day to heavy thunderstorms with lighting. Due to safety of our dogs and competitors, we decided to call-off the competition at 4.00pm. We have to push to the next day for the balance events such as Starter Snooker, Starter Jumpers, Advance Jumpers and Beginners Jumpers.

On the next day, we started at 9.00am sharp and we managed to squeeze all Championships programs, run our Performance programs and our International Tournaments on Sunday. We can also have our Dog Frisbee Competitions for the Single-Disc and the Longest Throw Events. However the heavy rain came again at about 5.30pm and we have to stop our prize presentation.

We have excellent results to report, we have 45 dogs qualified for the Q ribbons. That makes our International Titled Dogs to 17. And we have 8 Teams qualified for the Master Dog Agility Steeplechase World Championships. A very good results to report from us in South East Asia, Singapore.

Our Prize Presentation will be reschedule to sometime these 2-weeks to rewards the winners their prizes and also a BBQ or something to thank all for their continuous support and thanks to the kind sponsor of Rusty's Favourite for making this Prize Presentation Possible.

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USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!
USDAA Singapore