Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holidays Concerns

Tips for keeping your pet safe this holiday season.

Anchor your Christmas tree so it can't be knocked over by wrestling dogs or climbing cats. You can use eye hooks to anchor the tree into a corner.

If you have a live tree, change the water frequently so that your pets won't possibly drink stagnant, bacteria- or fertilizer-filled water.

Beware of tinsel, which can cause intestinal obstruction. Other ornaments may seem edible to your pet as well, particularly those that are strong smelling. Glass ornaments are also dangerous and should be placed up high if used at all.

Watch your pets around Christmas food. Xylitol, a sweetener, is toxic, as is chocolate, and some cooked bones will splinter and can cause damage. Fatty foods, like lots of turkey skin, can also cause intestinal harm. Alcoholic beverages are always a danger but may be more accessible during the holidays (particularly at parties).Keep your pet on his regular diet over the holidays and let your guests know not to slip treats to canine (or feline) beggars.

Food preparation items can be a danger as well, including string or twine used to tie up a turkey or other foods.

Holly, Mistletoe, and other holiday plants can be toxic or otherwise cause illness or distress. Plastic plants are safer options.

Lit candles and wires for Christmas lights can be dangerous. Pets can tip candles or chew on wires, so keep close watch and try placing dangerous items out of your pet's reach.

Consider crating your pet (or putting him in a closed room) during holiday parties and large family gatherings if the confusion may allow him to escape, be stepped on, or be unattended around dangerous holiday items.

Watch your pet with new Christmas toys and inspect them carefully to be sure that they are safe and not easy to tear apart and swallow.

Happy Holidays!

For more info visit

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