We had a fantastic trip just over the weekend to KL! It was a pleasure to Judge the Pet N You National Obedience and Agility events. It is a Gathering of dog lovers from Penang, Perlis, JB and KL! From Min Pins, Cairn, Silky Terrier, Pekingnese, Malinios to Curly Coated Retriever. Not forgeting JRTs and Border Collies and their local MBs(Malaysian Bred dogs).The Trip was a fruitful one and it was interesting to know how our counterparts do in Agility and Obedience over in Malaysia.In brief; Big Event, Huge Crowd, Lots of Shopping ( I really mean LOTS!) , Friendly People and Lovely Dogs!
In Obedience: A total of 39 entries for Saturday and 37 for Sundays.In Agility: A total of 53 entries on Saturday and 55 on Sunday.As we were both Judging, we did not have time to take much photos, relying on Fawn to do that. (Paging for Fawn!)But here are some taken from our Phone Cameras.

Looked too good to eat huh? I see our dogs tug toy lookalike and a water bowl and ball and a star toy. Wow these cake makers are really into Agility cakes now.

Our Singapore USDAA Scribe lending assistance, thanks Anderson and also thank you to Vivien our newly trained scribe. (T hee hee)

Dexter Judging the Agility Event

Mid Valley Train Station taken from the Hotel which was directly next to the mall.
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