Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our 2nd Journey to the Cynosport World Games 2008!

I know we have been too busy and have not been updating our blog for a while. But this time we will have regular updates on our training preparations to US while we are organizing our 3rd USDAA International Dog Agility Sanctioned Trials 2008 in July 5th and 6th. With the International Three Dog Team Masters Competition, it will be in addition to the Competitions that we can Q(qualify) to take part when we are in the States.

We currently have 3 Local Qualifiers for Grand Prix of Dog Agility, 5 Local Qualifiers running for the USD$10,000 Steeplechase Dog Agility. This is the Championships competitions.

We also have quite a few dogs that Q for Standard Agility, Jumpers, Snooker Gamblers and Relay. Also Qs for Performance Agility and Jumpers. Those participating on our 3rd Event and Q will soon get their 1st USDAA International Dog Agility Championship or Performance Titles. Absolutely cool and all these titles are recorded in USDAA's books and also in their website! If we subscribe to an account in the USDAA website we would be able to see all our dog's pass competition records be it Q or no Q ie. every event that our dogs participated in is recorded in specific details nothing is left out. With this we are able to track our dogs competition records since the date of inception. Not forgetting ..............

Our USDAA Dog Agility Title Certification(International Standard Recognised Title for our dogs)

Cynosport World Games usually holds 5 Competitions over the 5 Straight days, they are :

Grand Prix Dog Agility World Championships (Quarterfinals and Semifinals and Finals!)
USD$10,000 Steeplechase Dog Agility Championships (Quarterfinals, Semi Finals and Finals!)
Performance Nationals (Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Finals!) (Similar to GP)(More info can be found at
Performance Speed Jumping (Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Finals)(Similar to Steeplechase)(More info can be found at
Three Dog Masters Team Agility (Consist of Masters Agility, Masters Jumpers, Masters Snooker, Masters Gamblers and if you are in the finals the Masters Team Relay)

Sometimes the organisers would hold fun matches for competitors to compete in, this enables us to participate and at the same time warm up our dogs for the actual competitions. All these events are running in concurrent with National Flyball Competitions, International Frisbee Competitions and APDT's Rally O!

Last's years event was a Blast! We were sitting at the Spectator Stand watching the Performance National Finals Run at night. When out came from the shadows of the dark start line A darked coloured Great Dane jumping the 26" height! Everyone was cheering and clapping. I too cannot contain my excitement! Maybe it was the atmosphere maybe cause I am watching that Great Dane happily running the course with ease like it was his own little playground. It is amazing to watch such a variety of breeds competing in the finals in the main ring! Their owners had worked hard to put them there. Well we hope to be there this year!

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USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!

USDAAsg, Agility Dogs for Any Flavour!
USDAA Singapore