Singapore Flag on the right flying high in the Cynosport World Games 2007!
Some participants and Spectators in Ring 2 where Grand Prix Semi Finals were held today (Debra and Keesha in the middle preparing for their turn). Only Semi Finalists gets the blue shirt which money cannot buy. "Priceless!"
Apologies if we have not update our trip earlier, we were so busy competing and videoing and taking pics waiting for our turns and shopping that we got so exhausted from the heat and all that we were like a pair of tired pigeons who cannot fly anymore...
But fly we did! Both Keesha and Max "Q ed!" for the Semi Finals from the Grand Prix Dog Agility Quarterfinals Masters out of more than 300 dogs competing 50% qualified and we are in the 50%! How cool was that! Our dogs did great over the continous 4 days of non stop competitions! It was a fantastic affair competing side by side with the USA's greatest dog agility trainers. Some famous trainers were in our group so we got to see some great and not so great runs! But hey we are all human everyone makes mistakes. But their dogs were the fastest dogs we see in the planet and it is a skill needed to handle such dogs and that is the skills we are using too!
Max has a slight limp a few weeks before the trip cause of the practise runs. We got a Canine Messager to get him a Sports Massage to relive his aches and made sure he was in tip top condition before he fly.
We have met our Hong Kong and Japanese counterparts(Most Japs already qualified for the Semi finals in Japan). We have also met overseas Singaporeans, Karen and Alan who have schools in Canada and Colorado respectively.
Our teammate for the Three Dog Masters Team Agility is Juan(john) and Pluma from Guatamela, they were also the first time here and the only one representing Guatemela. I have a lot to say on how we did but it is too much to say today. Will try to update tomorrow. As we will be competing in the Steeplechase Classics.
Our Walk throughs are 2 courses a day in different rings which were in the early mornings at 7am and we sometimes had to wait hours before it was our turn to run, some even at the end of the day! Worst was my Grand Prix Quarterfinals and Dexter's Semifinals was in the mid afternoon where the Sun was the Hottest!!! Without a good Sunblock and Sunglasses and a hat we will definately suffer under these scorching heat! Worst than Singapore where at least there was humidity!
Good News is Dexter and Max scored a Clean Run in their Semifinal Run in the Main Ring and boy it was a fantastic run! Though there are faster dogs there who were designed for this sport the percentage taken may be small for the Grand Prix Finals but we are so proud of our dogs for doing so well here being their first time and all! I think they are also having a great time meeting other dogs and people and the system here are so well organised, people here knew what to do without any confusion and all the competitors have well behaved dogs. I did not see nor heard of any dog fights with so many dogs that were in such close proximity.
We are loving every minute here! Everyone here is talking and doing Agility! We feel very privileged to be here many thanks to our sponsors PUPS and Chemelco Enterprises!
We watched and videoed the Performance National Finals yesterday evening. Tonight is the Steeplechase Finals and Performance Speed Jumping but we are giving that a miss. Tomorrow at 11am is the Grand Prix finals which we would not want to miss cause I heard that it is usually over crowded and there may be no seats left if we are not there early. But we will only be able to watch it right after our Steeplechase Classic Runs which starts at 8.35am. Bugger.
Signing off for now from Scottsdale, Arizona!
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