Saturday, September 30, 2017

PUPS Blog Series - What is Quality of Life?

PUPS Blog Series - Quality of life scales are typically used when a pet has a terminal illness or is at an end of life stage. ... In either case, the JOURNEYS scale is meant to get you thinking and considering the factors that affect your pet's happiness and sense of well-being.

I know this is not a topic we will want to discuss, but unfortunately owning a dog, the flip side of the bundle of joy, lies the decision when your dog has a terminal illness or at end of Life stage.

As a professional dog trainer for 16 years, I'm so blessed and fortunate to own many wonderful dogs, unfortunately I had to face a few such dilemma - Does your dog has a good quality of life?

Keesha was a greedy and fun loving Australian Shepherd. We are so grateful to have her for a great 6 years, growing up with such an awesome girl. She was great in Obedience, Flyball, Agility , Frisbee, Doggy Dancing and a Singapore Show Champion. Her achievements were legendary and she had blessed many others with your keen spirit and she was a literal all rounder.

In the fateful day on December 2008, I had discovered, Keesha vomited a bucket, just like she drank lots of water but vomited all out. We brought her to our vet thinking it must be just some minor infections. 

To our horror, her blood work was not good, showing signs of potential kidney failure. Refusing to accept my vet's prognosis, we brought her for a 2nd opinion. Again we were hurled with harsh reality and she was diagnosed with kidney failure. 

Determined to save her, we bought fluids and subcut her daily hopefully it will flush out the unwanted material in her kidney and restart her kidney again.  

The situation got worsen after we started her on medication. Losing her appetite, she grows skinnier and weaker. From a greedy, happy and spirited girl to a skinny, weaker and helpless girl. Tears rolls down our eyes..... we persisted with believe.

Sometime I see her put up so much efforts to engage a game of play with me, but seeing her weakness, I couldn't play on. Due to her weakness, she fell into the drain on a couple of occasions. 

After fighting for a month, our final decision was to let her go due to her anemic condition. Keesha was losing blood fast where her tongue had started to rot. We wouldn't want her to lose her dignity. 

It's been difficult, lots of crying, discussing, but ultimately, we wouldn't want her to continue struggling with poor quality of life. We let her go on the Eve of Chinese New Year. It was the most painful CNY for our family.

Her departure was a huge setback, but till today, if you asks me do I regret making that decision? My answer is No. Taking her out of the misery was a right choice.

I can't wait to see her again over at the rainbow bridge where we will reunite after many years.

I hope you never have to make such an unpopular decision, but should you have to, please carefully consider the quality of life of your dog. If persisting her life, leads to more pain and agony, letting her go might be a wise decision.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Food For Thoughts

FFT - All you need might just be some quick thinking to outsmart your dog to get him to work with you. 

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

PUPS Bits Series - Trick Class @weeknight OB Class!

Check out the video showing Toasty & Val performing Tic-Tac Exercises.
AWESOME works ....

Presented by PUPS Training Studio!

PUPS Bits Series - Trick Class @Weeknight OB Class!

Look at Toasty & Val learning the skills of play dead and rollover in a single session. Not bad for a debut training and this team are just AWESOME.

Presented by PUPS Training Studio!

Monday, September 18, 2017

PUPS Blog Series - What's Next?

PUPS Blog Series - What's Next?

The Art of Playing 2! 

Animal communication can be complicated. Ranging from verbal, physical, vocalizations, body languages etc... and dog-2-dog play is another form of communications ....

Pls keep watch for this space for the next Dog to Dog Play blog.

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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Baby2dog Introduction!

PUPS Blog Series - Baby-2-Dog Introduction!

One of the biggest moment in our life beside owning a pet dog is when we are expecting the arrival of our new born.

Just like us, our dog will need to make adjustment for this change. The whole family including our family dog will need to make conscious effort to prepare for the arrival of our child.

I'm sure, with the sensitivity and closeness, our dog can sense and smell the difference and anticipant the changes to come.

Below are the tips to prepare your dog for the home coming of your baby;

1. Introduction of baby's smell and sense,
-  you must introduce your baby's sense to our dog prior to home coming. Bring home your child cloths to allow your dog to get use of this 'strange' new smell, 

2. Reduce Play & Attention;
-Two-to-three days prior of baby home coming, reduce play and attention to your dog. When your child is home, you will spend less attention on your dog as you will need to attend to your baby. Your dog needs to understand such sudden change of attention is a norm. 

3. Changes in routines;
- Your dog will need to know there will be possibility the change on the schedule of walks, where he sleep and potentially losses freedom due to the baby,

4. Teach the Place Command;
- Teaching a place or mat command might come handy when you need space away from your dog and baby. Your dog will love the Place to settle, as in a crate or mat.

5. Create a Safe Zone;
- Creating a Safe friendly zone is a need. A comfortable place or area where your dog can be crated or leave him in there. And your baby is safe on his bed.

6. Never leave your child with even the most trusted dog;
- You might have introduce your dog to your child when Max is on leash. At a later stage , you might also want to intro them when Max is off-leash but under careful supervision. This step is necessary to ensure your dog is absolutely comfortable in the presence of your child, his cry and loud noises make.

With proper planning of the introduction, you will unlikely to face any unpredicable situation. Your baby, dog and the entire family will thank you for the effort as it will definitely help in the situation.

Always have fun and stay positive.Introduction!One of 

PUPS Dog Training

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

COOL Trick - Weaving Thru the Legs!

Weeknight OB - This evening we had a swell time working with Hermes & Yee Chong. This Team is learning how to perform this SUPERB Trick - Weaving Thru The Legs! Great work from the team. This video is provided by PUPS Training Studio! The Team are train under the instruction of PUPS Dog Training!

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Friday, September 8, 2017

PUPS Blog - You know how to play with your dog?


PUPS Blog - Do you know how to play with your puppy or dog? The Art of Playing apparently is not a given. I have seen many dog owners who does not play or don't know how to engage a game of play with their dog. 

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